Jerrill's Education Nation

Welcome to my blog: Jerrill's Education Nation.

As a K-12 Educator, I have worked in teaching positions, educational administration and leadership positions, and I've also taught at the college level as an adjunct instructor. I recently returned from a year abroad in Hong Kong so I have a new love for the international education scene as well. I also have a passion for international organizations such as ZOTE Investments and Projects in South Africa, where I serve as an Education Advisor.

I am most passionate about using education as a means for helping people to learn how to help themselves. Education is a basic Human Right and those of us who have received one have an obligation to help those less fortunate rise up and overcome obstacles preventing them from doing the same.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Celebrate Parent Involvement Day

"National Parental Involvement Day is Thursday, November 17, 2011.  Sponsored by Project Appleseed, the goal of National Parental Involvement Day is to increase parental involvement at public schools across the United States.  To celebrate this day, it is up to each campus to design activities that will encourage parent participation on campus.  Activities do not have to be limited to just include parents—grandparents and other adults who have a stake in the future of our youth are invited to participate." - Amber Wilson (Houston Public Schools Examiner)

Here are some tips for enhancing parent involvement at your school:

* Organize or enhance a Parent Association. The first tasks should be to address any lack of involvement in the school's decision making process. If you already have one, make sure they develop a program that includes workshops for parents related to student achievement, child development, parenting, and other subjects that are of interest to parents.

* Establish a parent resource center to provide a suitable place for parents when they come to the schools. This center can be stocked with resources that support parents' informational needs.

 * If funding permits, the school should hire a parent coordinator that can be trained in federal, state and city regulations regarding parent involvement.

* Ensure that parents receive regular communications regarding methods used to improve school climate, and an annual survey should be administered to assess parent and community needs and interests.

* Make sure that parents are aware of Title I funds that are designated for parent involvement activities, and these funds should be used to support the school's parent involvement efforts.

* Utilize programs such as EPIC (Every Person Influences Children) for parenting education workshops.

* GO BEYOND Bake sales. Make sure parent involvement activities focus on fostering student achievement. This can be done by inserting a home learning component into school activities that regularly attract large numbers of parents, especially events that have a multicultural orientation.


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